This letter sorter was SO cool!! I wish it would have fit in my suitcase.
This bench is made out of tail gate of a chevrolet truck and other parts. Very creative!
I love fingerjoint boxes. This one was really large, since it used to hold a typewriter. I did purchase one that held encyclopedia's....and just for the BARELY fit in the suitcase...we had to pack our clothes around it and around the vintage glass candy jar that I bought and had to pack inside of it.
I love this houndstooth chair. It would look so cute in my friends bridal booth since she is doing a b&w with yellow booth. Too cute! Once again, this didn't fit in my suitcase either.
I love beautiful lampshades. I love the shape of this one.
The old building is so old that it has a freight elevator to take strollers up and down the floors with a cute bell to ding (each floor having a different bell, so the floor workers knew which bell it was and which floor needed the freight elevator). I started on the fourth floor and worked my way down. SO MUCH TO LOOK AT!! Probably over 400 dealer much fun!!
A vintage stamp holder.
I like the idea of putting fabric or paper in the bottoms of my printer's drawer to add color. We'll have to see. Cute idea though.
This cubby hole cabinet (looks like a post office sorting cupboard) and the ceiling tile(seen leaning against the counter) HAD to come home with me. When I turned the corner and saw this cubby hole cabinet it gave me heart palpitations and I got so excited. I could instantly envision it in my studio or a Christmas countdown. So many possibilities!!!! I looked into taking it on the plane with us but, it would be in the "ODD" size catagory so it would $147 dollars to fly it home. Yikes, on to plan B! So, the morning before we flew out we found a UPS store and shipped it home. It only cost $38 by slow boat. I can't wait to get should be here any day now!! Yippeee..almost as good as Christmas!!
It definetely was a fun trip to Kansas not so much for my husband, yikes a three hour interview....glad I found something fun to do while he was busy!
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