Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fabric, Fabric and more Fabric


My baby is officially out of the crib (now that she’s three) and the antique child’s bed is being passed down. I wanted to do a little room update for their shared birthday. I decided to make quilts for each girls bed for their birthday. It’s now past their birthday and one quilt is at the quilters and the other quilt needs a little more sewing to complete, then I will drop it off at the quilter’s when I pick the first one up. Not quite done for their birthday but I didn’t give myself enough time. Two months is NOT enough. haha


My friend Pat is a master quilter and she took me under her wing and showed me the four best quilt fabric stores around. My head was swimming with fabric choices. I finally settled on these fabrics and a design off of the cover of Pat’s Quilters magazine for the first quilt for my oldest daughter.


I chose very fun and colorful monochromatic fabrics. I wanted this quilt to go with the colors of their room but be one that has lots of colors. My younger daughter’s quilt’s design is technically a “scrap” plus sign quilt off of pinterest. I bought enough fabric to sew my older daughter’s quilt and have enough fabric to do my younger daughter’s quilt in a different pattern but same fabrics. This way they can be similar yet unique. Perfect for these two who share the same birthday!




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